Alicia performed"Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart,""Fallin',""Empire State of Mind and"No One"on the FIFA World Cup Kick-Off Celebration Concert. Watch the performances below.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Get Your Alicia Fix at bandit!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
앨리샤의 링톤을 AT&T에서!
Get them while they are HOT! For a limited time, AT&T is offering some of their best selling ringtones at a deep discount to YOU! Choose from some of the hottest Alicia ringtones!This offer is good only for a limited time, so be sure to load up your phone today with Alicia 2-pack bundles for a single ringtone price!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Alicia Keys Performing At The BET Awards On Sunday
Remember to tune in to BET on Sunday June 27th at 8/7c to see Alicia Keys performing live on the 2010 BET Awards. Also make sure to watch the entire show to see if Alicia wins any of the four awards she is nominated for!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Alicia Keys - 10 Questions
The singer and sometimes actress Alicia Keys released her fourth album, The Element of Freedom, in December. She took time out from her world tour to answer questions from TIME readers...check out the video below!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Alicia Keys live aux BET Awards
Félicitations!Alicia Keys a remporté deux prix aux BET Awards 2010!Celui de la"Meilleure collaboration"pour"Empire State Of mind avec Jay-Z et celui de la"Meilleure interprète féminine R&B". L'occasion d'interpréter un medley de quelques uns de ces tubes à voir ci-dessus.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Get Your Alicia Ringtones On Sale Now!
Get them while they are HOT! For a limited time, AT&T is offering some of their best selling ringtones at a deep discount to YOU! Choose from some of the hottest Alicia ringtones!This offer is good only for a limited time, so be sure to load up your phone today with Alicia 2-pack bundles for a single ringtone price!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Soutenez Alicia Keys aux Teen Choice Awards 2010
Félicitations à Alicia Keys pour sa nomination aux Teen Choice Awards 2010 dans la catégorie"Meilleur album R&B".Soutenez Alicia keys en votant ici!
Et rendez-vous le 9 août sur la Fox pour découvrir les résultats de ces votes.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Alicia Keys Performance& Interview sur"Good Morning America"
Alicia Keysétait sur Good Morning America le 25 juin dernier pour un live d'“Empire State of Mind” ainsi que quelques mots sur l'association caritative “Keep a Child Alive”.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Alicia Keys live au"Early Show"
Alicia Keysétait l'invitée duEarly Showil y a quelques jours. L'occasion d'interpréter un live mais aussi de répondre à quelques questions. A regarder ci-dessous.
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Jay-Z och Sade uppträder tillsammans med Alicia på Black Ball 2010!
Detär dags igen! Alicia Keys och Keep A Child Alive Fonden arrangerar deras årliga Black Ball och det harprecis offentliggjorts att Jay-Z och Sadekommer att uppträda på välgörenhetseventet den 30 september tillsammans med Alicia! Black Ball 2010 kommer att hållas på New Yorks Hammerstein Ball. Välgörenhetseventet kommer att samla in pengar till fonden, vilken hjälper till att förse AIDS/HIV behandling och vård till barn och familjer i afrika och indien.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Alicia Keys: in preparazione il Black Ball 2010
Alicia Keyse laKeep A Child Alive Foundationstanno organizzando, come ormaiè consuetudine, la prossima edizione delBlack Ball. L'annuale evento di beneficienza quest'anno vedrà la partecipazione diJay-zeSade, oltre ovviamente che diAliciastessa.
IlBlack Ball 2010si terrà all'Hammerstein Balldi New York il 30 settembre..
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Black Ball 2010
It's that time of year again! Alicia Keys and the Keep A Child Alive Foundation are organizing their annual Black Ball and it'sjust been announced that Jay-Z and Sadewill be performing at the September 30th event, along with Alicia! The 2010 Black Ball will be hosted at New York's Hammerstein Ball.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sade und Jay-Z bei Alicias"Black Ball 2010"
Auch in diesem Jahr veranstaltetAliciawieder den"Black Ball"zugunsten ihrer Kinderwohltätigkeitsorganisation"Keep A Child Alive". Seit 2004 wurden bei der Galaüber zehn Millionen Dollar gespendet– ein beachtliches Ergebnis. In diesem Jahr konnteAliciadie SängerinSadeund den RapperJay-Zfür ihren"Black Ball"in New York gewinnen. Sie werden zusammen mitAliciaam 30. September n New Yorks Hammerstein Ball auf der Bühne stehen."Sade?Jay-Z? Beide sind für mich Ikonen und beide haben großen Einfluss auf mich gehabt. Ich binüberwältigt von ihrer Großzügigkeit uns helfen zu wollen, die Tradition aufrecht zu erhalten und 'Black Ball' zur besten Spendenveranstaltung von New York zu machen. Aber es wird noch mehrÜberraschungen geben“, zitiertprosieben.deAlicia. Wir sind gespannt, was uns da noch erwartet.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Fotos de Alicia Keys no BET Awards
Abaixo você pode ver duas lindas fotos de Alicia no BET Awards 2010. Alicia se apresentou duas vezes durante as premiações e estava completamente fantástica! Para mais fotos de Alicia, cliqueAQUI.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Alicia to Launch I Am Super Woman Website!
Later in 2010, Alicia plans to launch her I am Super Woman website. The site is designed to give power to other women as they face their struggles in life. You go girl!Check it out
Monday, July 12, 2010
Alicia Brings Home Two BET Awards!
Alicia took home two BET awards at last night’s ceremony! Alicia won for Best Collaboration with Jay-Z and for Best Female R&B Artist! Take a look at the photos below, courtesy of BET.
If you missed Alicia’s acceptance speech for best female R&B artist,check it out here!
Congratulations Alicia!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Vorbereiten aufs Fotoshooting
Per Twitter schickteAliciadieses coole Foto aus der Garderobe mit der Notiz:“Beim Vorbereiten auf ein unglaubliches Fotoshooting. Kann es gar nicht erwarten, dass ihr es seht!“Wir auch nicht!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Watch Alicia Keys On The Early Show
Alicia Keys was a guest onThe Early Showthis morning. Not only did Alicia perform but she also answered a few questions. check out her interview below!
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Pictures Of Alicia Keys At The BET Awards
Here are two great pictures of Alicia Keys at the 2010 BET Awards. Alicia performed two times during the show and looked absolutely amazing. For more pictures of Alicia at the show clickHERE.