Zusammen haben wir Anfang Dezember 1 Million US-Dollar für die AIDS-Hilfe gesammelt. Ein besonderer Dank gilt Stewie Rah Rah für seine unglaublich großzügige Spende!
Wie 1 Million US-Dollar unserer Organisation"Keep a Child Alive"hilft:
- $1 Million wird unsere Klinik in Uganda mitallem, was sie brauchtunterstützen, um ein ganzes Jahr lang mehr als 7000 Menschen zu pflegen, die mit HIV/AIDS leben müssen.
- $1 Million wird unser Kinderhilfsprogramm in Südafrika für die nächsten drei Jahre am Laufen halten, und hunderten Kindern, die Misshandlungen zum Opfer gefallen sind, Gerechtigkeit verschaffen - und tausende mehr vor dem gleichen Schicksal bewahren.
- $1 Million wird 1500 Kinder in Südafrika mit Medizin, Essen und allem anderen Nötigen versorgen, die aufgrund von AIDS zu Waisen geworden sind oder in Haushalten leben, die sie selbst führen müssen.
- $1 Million gibt uns die Möglichkeit, die Programme unseres Projekts"Safe House"in Indien auszubauen. Mehr als 1000 Menschen kann so geholfen werden, das Leben mit HIV/AIDS besser zu meistern - fünf Jahre lang.
Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe! Wir wünschen euch das Beste und schicken euch all unsere Liebe! Die"Keep a Child Alive"-Familie und Alicia.
Friday, December 31, 2010
1 Million für"Buy Life!"
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Best Of The Booth - Voting
Alicia Keys' wunderbarer Song mit Drake,"Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready)", hat es auf die Liste des diesjährigen"The Best Of The Booth 2010"-Votings von DJBooth.net geschafft. Klickt euch auf DJBooth.net, umfür Alicia zu voten, die in der Kategorie"Best Remix Record"nominiert ist!Votenkönnt ihr noch bis heute, den 30. Dezember, um Mitternacht. Am 6. Januar 2011 werden die Gewinner bekanntgegeben.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Gift for Cranberry Street
Years ago, in the tiny village of Golden Grapes, there stood a cluster of beautiful,
brightly painted cottages along a pebble and cobblestone road known as Cranberry
Street. At the end of Cranberry Street lived the Goodtree’s, a wealthy family
who were very private and hardly ever socialized except for the one time of year
when they would gather together with the rest of the Villager’s to celebrate the
approaching holiday season. They did this by decorating the entire length of
Cranberry Street with the most beautiful and original hand made ornaments you
could imagine. Every holiday season people from other villages miles away would
travel to Cranberry Street just to see the winter leafs made of crystal, the tinted
glass hearts, finely painted winter pine with candles that glowed throughout the
night. At the entrance to Cranberry Street high atop an old chestnut tree sat a star
made of brass and silver. This star was known as the Welcome Star that shined
bright enough to show the way for anyone who might be lost on a dark night.
Sadly one winter right before the holiday festivities, a terrible illness struck the
Goodtree family with only one member, Mrs. Goodtree, surviving. Instead of
allowing Mrs. Goodtree to face the heartbreaking tragedy of losing her family all
by herself, the Villager’s came together and built a sacred resting place made of
the finest stone and iron ever used. Mrs. Goodtree was so taken by this gesture
of kindness that she decided to share her entire fortune with the people of Golden
Grapes with only one condition, that anyone could have anything they needed as
long as they asked. The grateful Villager’s gave Mrs. Goodtree the beloved title
of Mother as a gesture of thanks. Thanks to Mother Goodtree, no one wanted or
needed anything that season. People were happy to share whatever they had even
with strangers just passing through. This wonderful feeling of community during
holiday time soon became a traditional way of life all year long.
Then late one night, while Mother Goodtree slept in her bed, Mister Buggle, the
villager elder who thought that the holiday festivities were a real waste of time
that made Cranberry Street too overcrowded and too commercial, snuck into the
basement and took the special box containing the Welcome Star. Since he never
believed in celebrating or sharing anything with others anyway, Mister Buggle
decided that by taking the Welcome Star no one would no longer be interested in
celebrating. He crept into the basement and placed the Welcome Star under his
furry coat and slipped out of the house into the darkness.
The next morning when some of the villager’s came to call on Mother Goodtree,
they discovered something alarming and mysterious. As if by waving a magic
wand, Mother Goodtree had vanished. Word spread quickly through the village.
Up and down Cranberry Street everyone was asking the same question.“What
happened to Mother Goodtree?” By the end of the day, one of the villagers had
noticed that Mister Buggle had also disappeared. No one could understand why
one who was so caring and giving would simply vanish at the same time as someone
so selfish and mean. There were so many stories running around of how and what
had actually happened. Most of the Villager’s believed that Mister Buggle was
somehow responsible and might’ve also had something to do with the disappearance
of Mother Goodtree. As the days went by the rumors became even crazier. Some
of the Villager’s were calling Mister Buggle a Witch with magical powers that he
used to capture Mother Goodtree and steal the Welcome Star. Other’s said that
Mother Goodtree wandered off by herself into the early morning mist to search for
the Welcome Star, became lost and could not find her way home. And still other’s
believed that Mother Goodtree did not vanish at all and was keeping Mister Buggle
prisoner somewhere in her house as punishment for breaking her only rule.
But as the seasons and the years passed and the fortune left by Mother Goodtree
slowly disappeared, the villager’s began to isolate themselves from one another.
They would argue and fight whenever anyone found something of value. Things
that were once shared now became objects of private possession. People would
watch, worry and wait to see who might leave anything behind that could later be
claimed for themselves. With so much selfishness and mistrust, the villager’s soon
found themselves locked inside their cottages afraid to come out and now too poor to
move away. Eventually all of the once beautiful cottages became broken, crumbling
shells turning Cranberry Street into a place now called Dog Bone Alley. Now with
no one willing or wanting to celebrate the holiday season, it seemed as though the
joy and goodness that brought so many people together was now gone forever.
Then early on the first really cold morning of the winter season as a thin layer of
frost decorated the cobblestones and pebbles with tiny drops of misty white glass,
the sound of the mailman’s truck caused Jamal and his sister Leenah to jump from
their beds and rush to the window. As they watched the mail truck rumble down to
the end of Cranberry street and stop in front of the old Goodtree house, they looked
at one another wondering why the mailman would stop there. They continued to
watch as the mailman emerged from the back of his truck with a brightly colored
gift box tied with the loveliest, brightest gold ribbon they had ever seen. Jamal and
Leenah were even more puzzled as they watched the mailman walk up to the house
and gently place the gift box on top of a cluster of pine cones that had been blown
close together at the foot of the front door. Just by looking at the crumbling walls
and broken windows surely the mailman must’ve known that no one had lived there
for a very long time.
Jamall and Leenah watched as the mail truck drove away leaving the lovely gift
behind. They quickly dressed and ran down to the end of Cranberry Street stopping
at the end of the flat, grey stone path leading to the front door.
Jamall and Leenah looked around then slowly approached the finely wrapped
package for a closer inspection. They noticed that although the package was
addressed to Cranberry Street, there was no house number and no name.“Do you
think it’s a Hannukah gift?” asked Leenah. “I’m not sure,” replied Jamall. “Maybe
it’s an early Christmas gift,” Leenah suggested. “Do you think Mother Goodtree
ever celebrated Kwanzaa?” Jamall asked. Leenah and Jamall continued to look at
the gift but would not dare touch it because of Mother Goodtree’s rule that was still
respected and obeyed..and yet their curious questions prevented them from walking
away and leaving the gift box in it’s place.
Who would send such a beautiful gift to a street with no number and a house with
no name?
..to be continued
Happy Holidays
Monday, December 27, 2010
Alicia Keys per la"Emmanuel Jal Campaign"
Alicia Keysè attiva sostenitrice della campagna di Emmanuel Jal che si propone di mobilitare gli aiuti umanitari in Sudan.
Al fine di promuovere la campagnaè stato creato un video dal nomeWe Want Peaceche vede la partecipazione diAlicia Keys, Peter Gabriel e molti altri...
Leggete il comunicatoqui.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
We've raised $1 million for"Buy Life!"
Together we raised $1mil to fight AIDS&a special shout out to Stewie Rah Rah for his generous donation!
What $1 million will do for Keep a Child Alive:
- $1 million will provide our clinic in Uganda witheverything they needto care for more than 7,000 people living with HIV/AIDS for an entire year.
- $1 million will run our child rescue program in South Africa for the next 3 years, bringing justice to hundreds of children victimized by rape, and protecting thousands more.
- $1 million will provide a year's supply of medicine, food, care and support to 1500 children in South Africa, orphaned by AIDS or living in child-headed households.
- $1 million will expand the programs at our safe-house project in India to more than 1,000 people, helping them regain their health and overcome the stigma of living with HIV/AIDS for 5 years.
You've helped Keep a Child Alive do a really beautiful thing with raising this money to BUY LIFE for the children and families we serve at our sites in Africa and India - on behalf of all of them, thank you.
All best and love from the entire Keep a Child Alive Family and Alicia.
Monday, December 6, 2010
빌보드지가 선정한 지난 25년간의 R&B/소울 싱어 순위 발표: 앨리샤 키스 #10
Billboard.com recently published theirTop 50 R&B/Hip-Hop Artists Of The Past 25 Yearsand Alicia Keys impressively sits at #10. Joining the ranks of R.Kelly, Usher and Whitney Houston, Alicia Keys truly earns her spot as one of the most influential R&B/Hip-Hop artists of our time.Check out the great article and Alicia's spot here!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Alicia Keys Talks'Digital Death'on CNN
On World AIDS Day, Alicia Keys was interviewed on CNN to talk about Keep A Child Alive and her new initiative"Buy Life."A very insightful piece about the AIDS epidemic and the great work Alicia Keys has done, check out Alicia's interview below!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Empire State of Mind nominated for Three Grammy Awards!
Congratulations to Alicia and Jay-Z for their 2011 Grammy Award nominations for their collaboration on the song"Empire State of Mind"in the following categories:
Record Of The Year
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration
Best Rap Song
Check out the full list of 2011 nomineeshere.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Alicia Keys nominata ai Grammy Awards
Il prossimo 13 febbraio si svolgerà a Los Angeles la 53esima edizione dei Grammy Awards.Alicia Keysha ricevuto ben tre candidature con il branoEmpire State of Mindft. Jay-Z.
Le categorie in cuiAliciaè stata nominata sono le seguenti:
"Record of the Year"
"Best Rap/Sung Collaboration"
"Best Rap Song"
Per leggere la lista completa delle candidature collegatevi alsito dei Grammy Awards.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Alicia ist für drei Grammys nominiert!
Alicia wurde vergangene Nacht für dreiGrammy Awardsnominiert! Und zwar in den Kategorien"Record of the Year,""Best Rap/Sung Collaboration,"und"Best Rap Song"für ihren Mega-Hit"Empire State of Mind"mit Jay-Z. Glückwunsch, Alicia und natürlich auch Glückwunsch, Jay-Z!
DieGrammy Awardswerden am Sonntag, den 13. Februar 2011 verliehen.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Alicia gewinnt zwei Soul Train Awards
Glückwunsch an Alicia! Sie hat bei den diesjährigen Soul Train Awards zwei Awards abgeräumt."Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready)"wurde zum"Song des Jahres"gewählt, Alicia selbst wurde zur"Besten R'n'B-Künstlerin"gekürt. Wir gratulieren auch den anderen Gewinnern - u.a. räumteUsherzwei Preise ab!!