My Dear Friends and Family,I am so blessed and excited to bring a new life into the world. Like everyone has been telling me it is truly an experience like NO other! I am in awe every day! I wanted to pay tribute to this honor by sharing with you a story that I hope you will read to the children in your life from time to time. It is just a small, humble way of thanking all of you for your continued love and support as I begin this new part of my journey.With love,AliciaNahray and the Golden SparrowOnce upon a time, deep in the eastern forest of the great North Woods, there lived a family who possessed special gifts that allowed them to live as one with their natural surroundings providing them with everything they needed.Cenna, the mother, possessed the gift of growing all the plants and flowers of the forest. Denko, the father, who could not see, possessed the gift of making anything from wood. Thea, the oldest child, possessed the gift of making all sorts of wonderful foods from the herbs and vegetables that grew in the forest and their youngest child, Nahrayy, did not possess any special gifts, but was loved and cared for by the family just the same. Although Nahray knew and felt the love, there were also many moments of sadness. Many times Nahray would walk alone in the forest thinking about and searching for a special gift. One day while returning from the forest, Nahray heard what sounded like a strange, and frightening melody coming from the trees. Looking up high above on a branch, the child noticed a tiny wing flapping. Quickly standing directly underneath the branch watching carefully as it continued to flutter while singing this very sad song. Straining to look even closer to see just how hurt the little creature really was, Nahray noticed small, shiny, golden tips at the end of the tiny bird’s wings. Nahray knew that the young bird would not live if it fell from the tree but was too afraid to climb that high. With raised arms and opened hands forming a small cup Nahray shouted a promise up to the little bird, “Come on little one, jump, I will catch you!” Suddenly, the young bird stopped fluttering it’s wing and then fell helplessly from the branch all the way down into cupped hands. At first Nahray thought that the great fall might’ve killed the tiny creature, but surprisingly and with a sigh of relief, the young bird moved it’s good wing ever so slightly as a sign of life. “You are very lucky I came along when I did,” Nahray told the tiny bird before placing it in a bright red hat then quickly returned home to show everyone the small creature that was safely rescued.“Look,” Nahray announced to the family, “this little bird fell out of a tree right into my hands. Can I keep it?”“This is a very special bird, Nahray, and you must understand that you have asked to do something very important and quite serious, ” advised Mother Cenna, “What’s that?” Nahray asked. “Are you willing to accept the responsibilities of caring for the precious life of a baby sparrow that you have brought from the forest?” mother asked. “Oh yes,” replied Nahray, looking carefully at the Sparrow. “I will do everything I can to save it.”Nahray’s family decided that they would help their youngest nurse the tiny Sparrow back to good health and return it to the forest. “I will build a small house out of wood to keep it warm,” said Denko the father. “I will make a soft, comfortable nest from the flower pedals in our garden for the Sparrow to sleep in,” added Cenna, the mother. “And I will make very special food using seeds from the flowers and berries,” smiled Thea, the Eldest.By the next day, the little sparrow was resting in a small wooden cage with soft pedals from roses and daffodils as its bed, with a thimble of seeds to eat at its side. A few days passed when Nahray noticed that not only was the wing ofthe baby Sparrow not getting better but also it had not eaten any of its food. A few more days passed and the sparrow grew weaker. “I’ve done everything I know how to help the sparrow, Mother,” Nahray sadly exclaimed. “Why is it not getting better?” “Remember Nahray, you have taken a creature of the forest away from its natural place amongst the trees,” the mother reminded. “You have placed it in a cage and fed it strange food. Perhaps you have given it everything but the one thing that it needs,” Nahray’s mother advised. “What shall I do, and where will I find the thingthat will make the sparrow well again?” asked Nahray. “Perhaps the answer lies in the forest where you found it,” mother answered.So the next day, Nahray went into the forest to seek the medicine that might heal the young sparrow.Walking along, Nahray once again heard a familiar sound, only this time it seemed to be stronger and more musical. Looking up into the sky, Nahray noticed several sparrows circling above the trees making flowing golden circles painted by the tips of their wings. Nahray began to listen more carefully to their dream-like musical sounds that seemed to have analmost human voice. The sparrows slowly drifted downward toward Nahray sitting on a branch directly above. Nahray noticing the beautiful gold tips at the end of their feathers asked, “Who are you?” One of the sparrows flew down further and landed on the smallest branch closest to the ground. The sparrow looked, then smiled inviting Nahray to come closer to the tree. Just at the moment Nahray’s hand touched the trunk of the tree, something magical happened. Nahray realized that the voices of the sparrows were now understandable. As Nahray looked up into the tree, the largest sparrow spoke in a soft, musical tone. “We are the sparrows from the Southern Shores. Not long ago we were flying north when we lost one of our youngest. Have you seen it?” sang the sparrow. “Yes, it was very small and it fell from a tree just like this one,” explained Nahray. “I caught it with myhands and I took it home so that I could heal it’s wing, but nothing seems to help and I’m afraid it might not live,” added Nahray. The family of sparrows looked at one another then at Nahray. “It is listening for our voices,” said one of the sparrows. “There is magical healing power inthe song we sing,” another sparrow added. “Can you teach me your song?” Nahray asked. “Yes,” one of the sparrow’s answered, “but you must sing it each morning as the sun rises for the next three days,” insisted the sparrow. With eyes closed Nahray leaned against the tree as the sparrow’s voices created a beautiful melody that seemed to include all the sounds of the forest. When the singing stopped, Nahray returned home and went directly to the baby sparrow’s cage. The tiny bird was hardly breathing, so Nahray stayed up all night watching over it, waiting eagerly for thesun to rise. The next morning, as the first rays of the sun began to light the morning sky, Nahray moved very close to the cage and began to sing the melody learned from the family of golden sparrows. As Nahray continued to sing, the baby sparrow began to show signs of life by moving its tiny wings. Cenna entered Nahray’s room and heard the wonderful music. “Where did you learn such beautiful music?” the mother asked. “From the magic sparrows in the forest, Mother. This baby sparrow belongs to them,” Nahray explained. The Mother smiled then invited Nahray to join the family for breakfast. While sitting at the table, Nahray informed the rest of the family of the task that would save the young sparrow. “It is a blessing to know the voices of the Golden Sparrows,” stated Denko, “but you have promised to come with me into the forest tomorrow so that I may gather the special wood I need and I must have you to mark the way,” the father reminded Nahray.“But father,” cried Nahray, “that may take too long. If I am not back by sunrise, the baby sparrow may not live. I must sing the song I learned from his family for one more sunrise to make him well again. Besides, I made a promise,” Nahray informed his father. “You also made a promise to me before you found the baby sparrow and I expect you to keep it,” insisted Denko . After breakfast, Nahray sat at the table sad and worried. “What should I do Mother?” Nahray asked. “I promised the Magic Sparrows that I would sing when the sun rises to save their baby, but if I go with Father, I may not be back in time to sing on the sunrise of the third day,” Nahray pleaded. “This is part of the responsibility I told you about the day you brought home the baby sparrow,” exclaimed Cenna. “Youmust realize that by reaching out to help others in distress, even with the purest of heart, you must be sure that you can really help or you could wind up doing greater harm by not being prepared to follow through,” she added.The next morning at sunrise, before heading into the forest with hisfather, Nahray sang the same melody and the tiny sparrow showed even more signs of life and began to eat a small amount of its food. As Nahray and Denko walked along, holding hands and marking the way with small strips of brightly colored cloth, Nahray could not help worrying about the baby sparrowand the shame of breaking a promise to his family. When Nahray and Denko stopped to rest and eat, Nahray’s thoughts turned to that of running back to the house and leaving the father in the woods alone, but realized that doing such a bad thing would only make things much worse. At the place in the forest where the special wood could be found, Nahray watched as Denko carefully touched the different shapes of wood selecting only the most special pieces he felt he would need. “We will camp here for the night Nahray, then leave at sunrise,” said Denko.That night as Denko slept, Nahray thought again of leaving Denko alone in the forest, knowing that it would be easy to find the way back before sunrise using the cloth marker trail that was made. Just as the light of the campfire had died down to just a slight glow, Nahray slowly and carefully slipped from underneath the blanket. Standing by a tree and looking in the direction of the house, Nahray took the first steps. The sound from the snap of a large twig underfoot woke Father. “Nahray, is that you?” the father asked. “Yes father, I was just going to place some more wood on the fire,” mumbled Nahray. “Come back to your blanket, it is cold, “ the father ordered. Nahray reluctantly returned to the blanket and ever so quietly cried until sleep came. At sunrise the next morning, while packing up the pieces of wood, Denko noticed Nahray was leaning against a tree, looking in the direction of their house, then watched his child climb on top of a large stone. “What are you doing now Nahray?” ask the father. “I’m ashamed that I did not keep my promise and afraid that the baby sparrow will die.” Nahray sadly replied. “Then you should sing just the same. It will make you feel better that at least you tried,” Denko assured. As the sun became slightly brighter Nahray began to sing with all of his heart, the melody learned from the sparrows.Then Nahray and Denko packed the rest of their belongings and returned home through the forest. As Nahray and Denko neared the house, a familiar sound camefrom above. Looking up at the sky and seeing only the sun that, by now, had risen high above the trees, Nahray at first imagined that the sounds were simply musical echoes made from the guilt and shame of not keeping the promise to the Golden Sparrow family. But as the sight of their house began totake shape, Nahray could see that Mother was carrying something in her hand that seemed to sway from side to side. Nahray’s heart began to race with joy and excitement as the sight of the birdcage became ever more clear. Nahray rushed to meet Cenna eagerly wanting to hold the small wooden house where a tiny musical sound from the baby Sparrow could be heard. The melody filled Nahray with a kind of happiness never known before. “Look father,” Nahray shouted, “my little sparrow lives and sings as well!” laughed Nahray. “Then perhaps it is time to return it to the place where you found it,” smiled Denko. So Nahray took the cage and raced into the forest to the place where the baby sparrow was first spotted. As Nahray approached the tree, what seemed to be a chorus of voices coming from not only the tree, but from everywhere in the forest, filled the air. There sitting onthe branch were the Golden Sparrows who seemed to smile as Nahray opened the small cage releasing their youngest and now healthy member of the family. “I have to tell you,” Nahray stated with head bowed. “I did not keep my promise. I only sang to your baby sparrow two of the mornings.” “That is true,” stated the largest of the sparrows. “But on the third morning as the sun began to rise in the sky, we heard your voice as you sang with all your heart from deep in the forest,” stated the sparrow. “How is that possible?” asked Nahray. “When someone sings from their heart, their song is always heard,” the sparrow assured Nahray. Nahray smiled while watching the baby sparrow cuddle close to one of the other members of its family. “Perhaps when our youngest is a bit stronger, we will return one day to visit and teach you a new song,” smiled the largest sparrow. “It will be our way of thanking you for respecting the forest and all of the lives within it,” the sparrow added. The baby sparrow looked down at Nahray and smiled while singing a few soft musical notes. “Goodbye little sparrow,” said Nahray waving goodbye and watching the family of Golden Sparrows as they flew up into the clouds.The next day Nahray returned to the forest and the tree where the baby sparrow was first seen. Nahray sat under the tree and soon several creatures from the forest gathered around him, listening as the story of the Golden Sparrows, told as only the youngest child with a special gift could..with a song.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thanking all of your support!
alicia keys,
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