Thursday, January 27, 2011

Little Drummer Girl (Engelska)

This was the absolute FIRST song I ever recorded that was going to be released in some way.

I can't even remember exactly when it was? Maybe 1996?

If u can imagine young AK in Tims and jeans walking down those mean and dirty New York streets diddy-boppin to the Reasonable Doubt album or maybe Ray's Purple Tape. I was so excited about picking a Christmas song to record for an album called"The 12 Soulful Nights of Christmas"that JD and my then label, Columbia Records were putting together.

I remember sitting at my piano, vibing on the freshest way I could play one of my favorite songs"Little Drummer Boy"which of course had to be renamed"The Little Drummer Girl";-)

I was in my one bedroom apartment at the piano in the corner of the living room, just steps away from my"bedroom"and I played these jazzy style chords since I was starting to really get into jazz structures.

Anyway I stayed up late into the night to come up with the ultimate"Flip."

Then I went into the Studio with Rodney Jerkins and we produced the record together. I knew I wanted those Al Green style drums bangin behind it. In fact, I knew exactly what I wanted, and that was the beginning of me learning to become a producer.

I have the best memory of this song.

It was one of my"firsts"and now as I approach another First - experiencing the first Christmas with our Son. I feel like it's only right to share this song with you.

Freshly remastered and ready for your holiday spirit: Little Drummer Girl!

Sending you massive love and blessings during this time right into the most spectacular New Year you've ever known!

With love and gratitude,



Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alicia Keys riceve una nomination ai Brit Awards

Alicia Keysè stata nominata ai Brit Awards 2011 nella categoria"International Female Solo Artist".

L'evento si terrà il prossimo 15 febbraio alla O2 Arena di Londra.

Collegatevi leggere la lista dei nominati.


Monday, January 24, 2011

NAACP Image Award 2개 부문 후보!

Alicia Keys has scored two nominations in the2011 NAACP Image Awardsfor her amazing single"Unthinkable (I'm Ready)."The R&B Songstress receives nominations in the"Outstanding Music Video"category as well as the"Outstanding Song"category. Congratulations Alicia!!

The 42nd Annual NAACP Image Awardswill air on March 4, 2011 on Fox.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fira Alicias födelsedag

Den 25 januari fyller Aliciaår, det kan du fira på fansitenwww.aliciakeysdaily.comGenom att skicka in en video på dig själv, skriva en hälsning eller göra något grafiskt kan du önska Alicia grattis. De kommer att bygga en helt födelsedagshemsida till Alicia där de publicerar alla hälsningar. Besökwww.aliciakeysdaily.comför att skicka in din hälsning.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Alicia Keys ai Golden Globes

Ieri sera siè svolta la 68esima edizione dei Golden Globe Awards al Beverly Hilton Hotel di Beverly Hills.

Alicia Keysè salita sul palco per presentare i film nominati nella categoria"Best Motion Picture".

Guardate il video!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Brit Award-Nominierung!

Aliciawurde für einenBrit Awardnominiert - und zwar in der Kategorie"Beste internationale Künstlerin"!

Sie muss sich u.a. gegenRobynundRihannadurchsetzen. Daumen drücken!

DieBrit Awardswerden am 15. Februar in der Londoner O2 Arena verliehen.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Alicia Keysé a segunda celebridade que mais solidariedade social faz

A ONG americana"Do something"publicou um ranking das celebridades que mais contribuem com as causas sociais no mundo. Alicia Keys aparece em segundo lugar com a sua fundação Keep a Child Alive.
Eis a lista:
1º - Lady Gaga
2º - Alicia Keys
3º - Taylor Swift
4º - Ashton Kutcher e Demi Moore
5º - Ellen DeGeneres
6º - Nick Jonas
7º - Matt Damon
8º - Leonardo DiCaprio
9º - Oprah Winfrey
10º - Justin Biebe


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Alicia Keys a reçu 2 Nominations aux NAACP Awards 2011

Alicia Keys vient de recevoir deux nominations pour lesNAACP Image Awards 2011
pour son single"Unthinkable (I'm Ready)."La chanteuse soul/R&B est nominée dans les catégories :"le meilleur clip musique vidéo"et"la meilleure chanson de l'année".
Félicitations à Alicia pour cette bonne nouvelle !

La 42ème cérémonie multi-culturelle des NAACP Image Awardsaura lieu le 4 mars prochain sur la Fox américaine.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Power of the New

Whenever I discover something that has existed for hundreds perhaps thousandsof years and witness or experience it for the first time, I categorize that momentas“new.” New in the sense that it becomes part of me finding its place in mymemory that was not there before. The idea that comes to me while sitting quietlyin a room or as I walk along the street perhaps has always existed inside my headbut at that moment of realization, the newness of that idea brings with it a sortof power. A power that I can use to change or make a correction for the good ofmyself, even others.

With the arrival of new life into our family this year, the meaning of theword“new” and the power of that newness has taken on a completely differentmeaning. It’s probably true that all of the motherly instincts have existed insideme for a long time, but to actually realize the existence of another life that isso incredible and miraculously connected to my own, produces another kindof “newness.” That first sound a child makes, heard by mothers and fathers since thebeginning of time, is a unique, tonal quality all its own that I know I will recognizefor a lifetime. Then when it becomes the tone of that first, new cry that seems almostmelodic, I attempt to use the power of understanding to figure out what it is thatthis precious new life is attempting to tell me.

There’s an old saying amongst some elder musicians, that there is nothing new tothe music, just variations of what has always been. It’s true that the sound of middleC with an augmented fifth is a musical chord that has always existed, but until thatmoment when it was first created, its mystery was only solved by the power tocreate a new and unique sound. A vision of a woman’s face sitting quietly, lookinginto the distance lives only inside the mind of the painter until the power to createwhat we will see on the canvas as something new, pushes the strokes of the brush.

So now, whenever I wish someone a Happy New Year, there is a power that I hopewill translate with that wish, to not only enjoy the newness of the seasons, the peopleand places they may discover, but also to find the newness of life and all it has tooffer us. To use the power of their newness to lift and carry others to a place whereevery moment has the wonder and magic of becoming something new.

Happy New Year…



Monday, January 17, 2011

Alicia Keys recibe dos nominaciones a los 2011 NAACP Awards

Alicia Keys ha recibido dos nominaciones en los2011 NAACP Image Awardspor su increíble single"Unthinkable (I'm Ready)."La cantautora de R&B recibió las nomincaciones en las categorias de"Mejor Video Musical"y"Mejor Canción". Felicitaciones Alicia!!

Los NAACP Image Awardsserán entregados el 4 de Marzo de 2011.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Gift for Cranberry Street Pt.2 (engelska)

Before long, another Villager walked by and noticed Leenah and Jamal standing watching over the gift.“What are you doing?” asked the Villager. “The Mailman has left a gift and we don’t know what to do,” replied Leenah. The Villager approached the two children and leaned in toward the gift for a closer look. “There’s no name and no address,” the Villager stated. “How do you know the gift even belongs here?” That's the mystery,” Jamal answered. “We’re not even sure if the mailman knew where to leave it,” added Leenah. “Well, it was left here for a reason,” said the Villager.

Just then, another Villager happened to pass by with her two children.“Look Mother,” cried the first child. “Do you see that beautiful gift by the door?” she asked. “What do you think it could be?” asked the second child. As the mother and her two children walked up the path toward the gift to get a closer look, the first Villager placed his body in frontof the gift trying to hide it from view of the approaching mother and her two children. “What are you doing?” Leenah asked. “You can’t let other people come too close to the gift,” the first Villager ordered. “They might think that the gift is for them and try to keep it for themselves,” he added. But the first Villager could not totally block the view of the gift from the two children as they ran around him circling the gift. “What do you think is in it?” asked the first child. “Maybe it’s a special toy,” replied the second child. “Since it was left here at Mother Goodtree’s, perhaps it might be from someone she knew,” the mother stated. “But there’s no name and no address,” the first Villager reminded her. “Even the mailman can’t just guess where a gift should go with no address and no name,” he added.

Pretty soon, a crowd of Villagers had gathered in front of the old Goodtree house all asking the same question. As everyone began to talk at the same time attempting to ask and answer, the youngest child of the Village pulled on one of the ribbons tied to the lovely box. As if by some mysterious power with a pair of hands that no one could see, the ribbon began to unwrap.“Look,” someone shouted. “The box is opening,” shouted another. The Villagers slowly stepped back as the youngest child sat in amazement watching as the top of the box slide to the side. The young child reached inside and took the Welcome Star from the box revealing it to the crowd in all its shining glory.

Some shouted cheers of happiness and jubilation as they jumped and danced around while others fell to their knees weeping as they gave praise and thanks for the return of the special star.“This is a sign,” shouted one of the Villagers. “Perhaps it is time to bring back the Holiday Festival to Cranberry Street,” announced another Villager. Soon all along Cranberry street, the people were placing their hand-made ornaments and decorations in the trees, along the fences and on top of the hedges as they awakened the sleeping spirit of Golden Grapes.

On the first night of the holiday festival, Jamal and Leenah were chosen to hand the Welcome Star at the entrance to Cranberry Street. Perhaps it was the added light of the clear night sky and the winter moon with it’s reflection from the snow that gave the light from the Welcome Star an even brighter glow. This new and luminescent light became the beacon, lightin the way for travelers even further away than before.

As the first night of the festival came to a close, the faint sound of bells that sounded like musical voices could be heard in the distance by a few of the Villagers.“Can you hear that?” asked one of the Villager’s. “It’s coming from somewhere down the road,” another Villager answered. As they gathered under the Welcome Star to listen and watch as the mystical sound became clearer, someone standing high up on a ladder shouted, “Look, someone’s coming.” The Villager’s stood silent and still as the figure of an old but sturdy woman slowly approached. “It’s Mother Goodtree,” another shouted. The Villager’s raced toward Mother Goodtree surrounding and embracing her with warmth and love.

As they all slowly walked down Cranberry Street one of the Villager’s asked, “Where have you been Mother Goodtree?” I have been searching for a very long time for the Welcome Star,” Mother Goodtree answered. “One day I met a man who could not see. He told me of a another man who offered to sell him a special gift that he could not keep,” she explained.“The Blind Man asked the old traveler to describe the special gift and how he came to have it. From the sound of the old traveler’s voice, the Blind Man knew he was buying something that had been taken without permission,” Mother Goodtree added. “When I asked the Blind Man where the gift was, he explained that the gift had been returned to the place where it belonged, “The shining light and the memories brought me back to my home,"said Mother Goodtree, smiling.

Then one of the Villagers told how the beautiful box had been opened breaking her rule.“The child broke no rule of mine,” stated Mother Goodtree. “The willingness to discover and explore a thing of beauty is ruled only by a strength of heart. It is the thing I discovered on my journey in search of the Welcome Star,” she added.

With Mother Goodtree’s return, the village soon returned to it’s charm and beauty with a renewed spirit to keep Cranberry Street a place of welcome with a star whose light will shine in the hearts of us all.

Happy Holidays!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alicia Keys Receives Two Nominations in 2011 NAACP Awards

Alicia Keys has scored two nominations in the2011 NAACP Image Awardsfor her amazing single"Unthinkable (I'm Ready)."The R&B Songstress receives nominations in the"Outstanding Music Video"category as well as the"Outstanding Song"category. Congratulations Alicia!!

The 42nd Annual NAACP Image Awardswill air on March 4, 2011 on Fox.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Nominated For The Brits 2011!

Alicia Keys, has received a nomination for the annual Brit Awards! Alicia is nominated for Best International Female Artist for 2011. To find out more information head over to the official website for The Brit Awardshere.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Alicia Keys má dvě nominace na ceny NAACP

Alicia Keys získala dvě nominace na ceny2011 NAACP Image Awardsza její skvělý singl"Unthinkable (I'm Ready)."Nominaci získala v kategorii"Nejlepší hudební video"a také v kategorii"Nejlepší skladba". Gratulujeme Alicii!!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Votet für Alicia!

Was wäre, wenn die Fans entscheiden könnten, wer in diesem Jahr einen Grammy gewinnt? Wem würden die Fans ihre Stimmen geben? Das möchteFUSE TVwissen und hat dafür extra eine Umfrage gestartet. Ihr könnt jetzt in der Kategorie"Record of the Year"fürAliciasundJay-Zs"Empire State of Mind"voten!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Creating this song and this video felt so amazing! You've been asking me about how I feel and how Egypt is, and I just wanted to come up with a special way to answer. It's so fly to be able to have a strong feeling, write it, record it and share it with you. Thank you for listening, thank you for your love!

I'm looking at him now and I'm just in awe! Goodbye poet ;-) Seriously, there is so much to say, so much to write. I'm so excited about putting together my new record this year! Another journey I look forward to us going on together!

Still speechless...

With love


Monday, January 10, 2011

"Speechless": il documentario di Alicia

Lunedì scorso è uscitoSpeechless, un cortometraggio prodotto dal marito Swizz Beatz, che ritraeAliciadurante le riprese della prima canzone registrata dopo la nascita di suo figlio Egypt.

Nel video la giovane mamma e cantante dichiara:"Non ho pubblicato nulla da quandoè nato mio figlio. Poi ho scritto questa canzone che parla di lui e di come mi lasci senza parole ogni volta che lo guardo".

La canzoneSpeechlessè stata fatta in collaborazione con la cantante rapper Eve che ha già lavorato in passato conAliciasulla canzoneGangsta Lovin.

Guardate il video!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Un regalo per i fan di Alicia Keys

Alicia Keysha deciso di fare un regalo speciale a tutti i suoi fan!

Aliciaha infatti messo a disposizione gratuitamente online un suo brano inedito intitolatoSpeechless, realizzato con la collaborazione della cantante Eve e dedicato a suo figlio Egypt, nato il 14 ottobre scorso.

La canzone si può ascoltare e scaricare gratuitamente sulsito MonsterMondays.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sa toute première chanson,"Little Drummer Girl"

Voici la toute PREMIERE chanson que Alicia a enregistrée, sans savoir si elle serait un jour produite.
D'après la chanteuse, ce titre remonterait à 1996...

Découvrez sans plus attendre"Little Drummer Girl!".

Qu'en pensez-vous ?


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Power of the New -

Whenever I discover something that has existed for hundreds perhaps thousands
of years and witness or experience it for the first time, I categorize that moment
as“new.” New in the sense that it becomes part of me finding its place in my
memory that was not there before. The idea that comes to me while sitting quietly
in a room or as I walk along the street perhaps has always existed inside my head
but at that moment of realization, the newness of that idea brings with it a sort
of power. A power that I can use to change or make a correction for the good of
myself, even others.

With the arrival of new life into our family this year, the meaning of the
word“new” and the power of that newness has taken on a completely different
meaning. It’s probably true that all of the motherly instincts have existed inside
me for a long time, but to actually realize the existence of another life that is
so incredible and miraculously connected to my own, produces another kind
of“newness.” That first sound a child makes, heard by mothers and fathers since the
beginning of time, is a unique, tonal quality all its own that I know I will recognize
for a lifetime. Then when it becomes the tone of that first, new cry that seems almost
melodic, I attempt to use the power of understanding to figure out what it is that
this precious new life is attempting to tell me.

There’s an old saying amongst some elder musicians, that there is nothing new to
the music, just variations of what has always been. It’s true that the sound of middle
C with an augmented fifth is a musical chord that has always existed, but until that
moment when it was first created, its mystery was only solved by the power to
create a new and unique sound. A vision of a woman’s face sitting quietly, looking
into the distance lives only inside the mind of the painter until the power to create
what we will see on the canvas as something new, pushes the strokes of the brush.

So now, whenever I wish someone a Happy New Year, there is a power that I hope
will translate with that wish, to not only enjoy the newness of the seasons, the people
and places they may discover, but also to find the newness of life and all it has to
offer us. To use the power of their newness to lift and carry others to a place where
every moment has the wonder and magic of becoming something new.

Happy New Year…


Monday, January 3, 2011

Die Charity-Helden des Jahres 2010

Wieenergy.deberichtet, hat die Webseitedosomething.orgkürzlich eine Hitliste der Promis veröffentlicht, die sich im Jahr 2010 am intensivsten für wohltätige Zwecke eingesetzt haben.Aliciakommt dabei mit ihrer Stiftung"Keep A Child Alive"auf Platz 2. Das Ranking findet ihrHIER.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Gift for Cranberry Street Pt.2

Before long, another Villager walked by and noticed Leenah and Jamal standing watching over the gift.“What are you doing?” asked the Villager. “The Mailman has left a gift and we don’t know what to do,” replied Leenah. The Villager approached the two children and leaned in toward the gift for a closer look. “There’s no name and no address,” the Villager stated. “How do you know the gift even belongs here?” That's the mystery,” Jamal answered. “We’re not even sure if the mailman knew where to leave it,” added Leenah. “Well, it was left here for a reason,” said the Villager.

Just then, another Villager happened to pass by with her two children.“Look Mother,” cried the first child. “Do you see that beautiful gift by the door?” she asked. “What do you think it could be?” asked the second child. As the mother and her two children walked up the path toward the gift to get a closer look, the first Villager placed his body in frontof the gift trying to hide it from view of the approaching mother and her two children. “What are you doing?” Leenah asked. “You can’t let other people come too close to the gift,” the first Villager ordered. “They might think that the gift is for them and try to keep it for themselves,” he added. But the first Villager could not totally block the view of the gift from the two children as they ran around him circling the gift. “What do you think is in it?” asked the first child. “Maybe it’s a special toy,” replied the second child. “Since it was left here at Mother Goodtree’s, perhaps it might be from someone she knew,” the mother stated. “But there’s no name and no address,” the first Villager reminded her. “Even the mailman can’t just guess where a gift should go with no address and no name,” he added.

Pretty soon, a crowd of Villagers had gathered in front of the old Goodtree house all asking the same question. As everyone began to talk at the same time attempting to ask and answer, the youngest child of the Village pulled on one of the ribbons tied to the lovely box. As if by some mysterious power with a pair of hands that no one could see, the ribbon began to unwrap.“Look,” someone shouted. “The box is opening,” shouted another. The Villagers slowly stepped back as the youngest child sat in amazement watching as the top of the box slide to the side. The young child reached inside and took the Welcome Star from the box revealing it to the crowd in all its shining glory.

Some shouted cheers of happiness and jubilation as they jumped and danced around while others fell to their knees weeping as they gave praise and thanks for the return of the special star.“This is a sign,” shouted one of the Villagers. “Perhaps it is time to bring back the Holiday Festival to Cranberry Street,” announced another Villager. Soon all along Cranberry street, the people were placing their hand-made ornaments and decorations in the trees, along the fences and on top of the hedges as they awakened the sleeping spirit of Golden Grapes.

On the first night of the holiday festival, Jamal and Leenah were chosen to hand the Welcome Star at the entrance to Cranberry Street. Perhaps it was the added light of the clear night sky and the winter moon with it’s reflection from the snow that gave the light from the Welcome Star an even brighter glow. This new and luminescent light became the beacon, lightin the way for travelers even further away than before.

As the first night of the festival came to a close, the faint sound of bells that sounded like musical voices could be heard in the distance by a few of the Villagers.“Can you hear that?” asked one of the Villager’s. “It’s coming from somewhere down the road,” another Villager answered. As they gathered under the Welcome Star to listen and watch as the mystical sound became clearer, someone standing high up on a ladder shouted, “Look, someone’s coming.” The Villager’s stood silent and still as the figure of an old but sturdy woman slowly approached. “It’s Mother Goodtree,” another shouted. The Villager’s raced toward Mother Goodtree surrounding and embracing her with warmth and love.

As they all slowly walked down Cranberry Street one of the Villager’s asked, “Where have you been Mother Goodtree?” I have been searching for a very long time for the Welcome Star,” Mother Goodtree answered. “One day I met a man who could not see. He told me of a another man who offered to sell him a special gift that he could not keep,” she explained.“The Blind Man asked the old traveler to describe the special gift and how he came to have it. From the sound of the old traveler’s voice, the Blind Man knew he was buying something that had been taken without permission,” Mother Goodtree added. “When I asked the Blind Man where the gift was, he explained that the gift had been returned to the place where it belonged, “The shining light and the memories brought me back to my home,"said Mother Goodtree, smiling.

Then one of the Villagers told how the beautiful box had been opened breaking her rule.“The child broke no rule of mine,” stated Mother Goodtree. “The willingness to discover and explore a thing of beauty is ruled only by a strength of heart. It is the thing I discovered on my journey in search of the Welcome Star,” she added.

With Mother Goodtree’s return, the village soon returned to it’s charm and beauty with a renewed spirit to keep Cranberry Street a place of welcome with a star whose light will shine in the hearts of us all.

Happy Holidays!
